Thursday, June 12, 2008

Father Day readiness

It is show and tell at Kelly's usually I show something on my other blog---but I decided to do it on this one ;-)

My Father-in-law had a stroke on May 17. He has been in a rehab facility and we have created a new addition to our monkey family for him. This is a cheerful little guy. He even has blue eyes like my FIL. He has the casual flair--jams....since my FIL needs to know how to rest. But at the same time he has a little injection thing---just to encourage the patient to keep up with his PT. Kind of an "or else" thing.

We shall send this guy off to the rehab on Saturday!!


Cathy said...

Too cute! Ya just gotta love sock monkeys!

Cathy :)

Unknown said...

ohh sorry to hear about that, but glad he is recovering. the monkey is cute !! I love the buttons yo added to his had... very cheerful. speaking of buttons, I am sharing some this week. Oh P.S. My hubby is going to Reformed Theological Seminary in Florida.. we are in Washington, as he is doing most of the work online... we hope that he will be able to go full time in the near future, probably to Wesminster Seminary in California, just to finish... Pray!!! Are you reformed too?? Hugs talk to you soon !! Mica

Hootin Anni said...

Hope he will recover fully real soon. As for the sock monkeys? Love 'em. I've never seen one with blue eyes before ---always black, flat buttons. This one is perfect.

Happy Show n Tell. Hope you can stop by and see my book collection today.

Constance said...

What is it about sock monkeys?! They just make you want to smile! I'll bet your FIL (and the staff) get a kick out of this!

Tracy said...

What a cutie! I'm sure this will brighten his day.

A Hint of Home said...

Those are all so cute. I have two myself that I don't want to part with.

Schotzy said...

Too much monkeying around!! Cute!

Barbara H. said...

How cute! I hope he helps cheer your fil. I was so sorry to hear about his stroke.

You know, I had seen this blog before but I didn't realize it was yours.

Wanita said...

I hope your father-in-law's recovery goes well. I'm sure he will love the sock monkey made especially for him. All of your monkeys are adorable.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I think those monkeys hanging in the railing is so cute. Hope your FIL does well. Thanks for stopping by!

Julie said...

I love these. My aunt made me a sock monkey when I was little. I don't have it now, but I sure wish I did. Those are darling. Do you use a kit or make them from scratch? Thanks for sharing. Julie

Ingrid said...

I opened ALL your blogs until I finally found your Show and Tell ! This little guy looks really funny and cute !
BTW as soon as I had the new car, my cat Arthur jumped in to check !


This is adorable! I also like the
photo with the snow in the back
round of the photo too! - (I don't miss the snow tho!)
You asked if I wear the fun purses,
I don't.
My mother would simply laugh at me because I dress more on the classic end. I like Vera Bradley purses.